Teaching Diplomas

LCME Teaching Diplomas

LCME offers teaching diplomas at three levels:

  • Diploma of the London College of Music - DipLCM(TD)
  • Associate of the London College of Music - ALCM(TD)
  • Licentiate of the London College of Music - LLCM(TD)


For the teaching component of teaching diplomas, candidates are required to teach a lesson. The duration of the lesson is dependent on the level of the diploma (please see the syllabus).

They must choose option A or B:

  • Option A: teach a live lesson in the examination room
  • Option B: upload a recording of themselves teaching a lesson to a pupil

Submit your lesson

If you are looking to upload your lesson essay and/or teaching video, please use the link below:


Music Diploma Prerequisites

Information about the specific qualifications required to enter for each music diploma can be found here. Requirements should be uploaded using the submission form upon booking.

At all levels, candidates holding other qualifications of a similar standard may still be able to enter for the exam on application to the Chief Examiner in Music.

Other exam levels